Baking Addiction Series (Part 1)

This is the first in a series of posts that each month will explore a different aspect of the phenomenon of Baking AddictionSubscribe now so you will not miss the next instalment…

Emotions of Baking
On a typical weekend or bored moment you will find me searching for divine cake led inspiration often of the virtual kind. The fact is a few minutes often dissolves into hours of gazing longingly at golden sugary encrusted online pages and sometimes I can be found stroking pages of cookbooks with lust exclaiming ‘would you look at THAT!’ to whomever is listening which is typically myself as the rest of the household scuttles off to dusty corners at this point.  Looking at food gives me that excited walk, you know the one where you have imaginary springs in your shoes and your bottom starts to swing from side to side and really you are trying not to make it too obvious that you are skipping with baking excitement.  After a few minutes of happy clapping and food lust my evil alter ego Cruella de Baker transforms into tantalising Little Miss Baking Addict with incredible apron ripping style.  ‘Roooaaaarrr!’ means I love you, didn’t you know?









A cake rush (or Crush by Pendulum)
Let me introduce you to Little Miss Baking Addict.  She raises her cherry topped peak whenever I stumble across a divine new cake, pie, bread or tart that just makes my mouth water in anticipation.  Once overtaken by Little Miss Baking Addict I reach out and touch the screen and give it a slow protracted stroke whilst telling it to ‘Come to Mummy’ in a bizarrely deep throaty voice which incidentally I have no idea where it comes from?








Baking House
Last weekend my love of baking was beginning to spiral out of control as I still wasn’t dressed by 2pm on a Sunday afternoon.  I had been playing (quite literally) with flour all morning and videoing it.  Realising the time I ran frantically out of the door to my Son’s football match with speckled white hair and white tell-tale hand prints across my backside.  This was not good and I realised out on that windy pitch that is was time I took control and consult the baking addiction guide: 

Using this guide
To conduct this test fairly you could click on the link to my Pinterest gallery of FoodPorn or use your own image of a suitably desirable cake or baked good.  To truly test yourself you should do this on a mobile device whilst on the move to fully check for all levels of addiction.  Take note of your initial reaction and consult the guide below to determine which stage of baking addiction you may be at:
Stage 1: you will present with full open mouth (possibly in awe) which looks like fly-catching or a re-enacting the  ‘catching the Malteaser’ advert.  This stage is often accompanied by a short intake of breath and ‘ooohhh’ sounds.   







Stage 2:  at this stage (look at your image on the move for this) whatever you are doing when looking at the image you will find you suddenly have the need to stand still and take a closer look.  This level of addiction may cause unsteadiness on your feet as food lust, gawking and moving requires a high level of multi-tasking which proves difficult to the affected.    








Stage 3: you may present with all the symptoms above and also experience quickened heart rate with a sudden ‘it’s getting hot in here‘ feeling which is similar to a hot flush but is not dependant on gender, age or room temperature  and removal of clothing may occur.  This is often followed by deep breathing and in extreme case you may make graduating volume levels of  ‘oooh, oooooooh , oooooooh yes, yesss,   YESSSSSSSSS!’  The shrieking bears similarities to the scene in the film when ‘Harry met Sally’ but is understood to be the baking addicts call for a hot sugar fix rather than a mate.   








Your  Results
If you suffer from some or all of these stage you are most likely suffering from baking addiction.  This is a less documented condition in the medical world but renders the sufferer incapable of walking away from a recipe book or online page and can cause disturbing side effects such as drooling, groaning and realistic dreams involving cakes, cookies and other foods. 








Partners of baking addicts must wear protective clothing at night and ensure they do not wear perfume or cologne that bear any resemblance to the sweet scent of baked goods (avoid Lynx Chocolate).  If this is not adhered to, partners risk getting bitten or licked in the night which is not as nice as it sounds as baking addicts know instinctively how to sink their teeth into baked goods (think piranha ) and in reality this can be a painful rather than pleasurable experience.  








Where are you in baking addiction? Comment and let me know

P.S: In my own personal experience I also advise not to use any hair products that smell of sweet desserts.  One night I woke up eating my hair but in my dream I had been devouring lemon cheesecake.  It did not take a genius for me to work out this is the fragrance of my ‘only use when really going out somewhere nice as it is really expensive’ hair mousse. Perhaps manufacturers could flavour their hair products to give us something to chomp on without any calories? Now there’s a thought, hmmm, I’d like a triple chocolate honeycomb cheesecake flavour please.

Levels of baking addiction

Next in the series : Confessions of a baking addict

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Stand Up Meringue Snowmen (naughty)                    

Snowmen showing offf (no business like snow business)


Stand up meringue snowmen

My piping disaster (keep on reading to see more!)

When I read Rising to the Berry’s post about making chocolate éclairs (recipe 123 as she bakes her way through the Mary Berry Bible – what a star!).  It made me smile when she spoke about piping of them. 

“I piped the rather runny mixture onto several baking trays. The éclair shapes were so thin, they reminded me of pencils! I was concerned about the size but hoped they would spread when cooking. I put them into the oven and willed them to grow. They did indeed grow but not very much!”

Please Shrink!
I could identify with Annalise’s post after this weekend I tried to get rid of some left over meringue mixture by piping festive snowmen  My snowmen had ended up with little tails from my rubbish piping skills in rather unusual places despite my pathetic attempts to flatten them.  So instead of willing my baking to grow in the oven like Annalise I was willing mine to shrink. I prayed for about 30 mins or so loitering with intent around the oven hoping the snowmens tails would deflate. Of course the tails did not shrink at all in fact if anything I am sure they grew (must have been the heat!).

Introducing Stand up Snowmen
When my son came in he asked excitedly if he could use the snowmen on his gingerbread house for a baking competition.  Normally I would be delighted but this time it was a little embarrassing to explain why this was not such a good idea!  I guess I could cut their tails off if needed (ouch!). For your eyes and amusement here is my sad piping disaster that created stand up snowmen.  I’ll leave you all to draw your own conclusions as to why they might be happy as my mind is as pure as white icing sugar…but I can see these appearing on dodgy Christmas cards next year!

Snow awful! Comedy stand up snowmen…

Which bit would you bite first?
I guess the thing that tickled me the most was placing one of these on my friends keyboard in the morning as I knew it would amuse her.  We drew sweepstakes in the office to see which bit she would bite off first.  As she left the office at break time when she thought nobody was looking she rather discretly gave the tail a little nip and the poor stand up snowmen was no more.  I won that bet!  Which bit would you bite first?

Snowmen showing offf (no business like snow business)

Sadly this clearly tells me I am not ready to enter the Great British Bake off.  Can you imagine Mary Berry’s face if I presented her with these! Allthough the lovely man at Love Productions thought it was the funniest disaster he had seen.  Ta ta for now x

How to deal with snowmen tails

Quick, Money Saving, Yummy Baking (am I the only person who can’t remember what noise a goat makes?)

What’s your flavour?

The ultimate Pastry Twist

I’m so excited and I just can’t hide it!
Last week the trio of dancing melting moment biscuits was exciting enough for me that I did not think it was possible to get overly entusiastic over a humble pastry twist.  This simple recipe has truly unleashed the creative baking banshee from deep within my inner madness.  In four short days I have gone from 1 idea to over 60+ flavour combinations for this recipe which is perfect for any occasion but even more so for Christmas as there is a flavour for everyone.  Puff pastry twists are winters little soft comforting pillows of buttered air with devilishly tasty fillings in sweet or savoury formations depending on one’s mood and what you have available.  They are so moreish that I now play the obsessive nutter that shouts out pastry twist flavour combinations randomly in the most inappropriate of places (e.g. shouting meatballs and marinara in the toilets is not always the best plan) or an idea will take hold and I’ll yell out ‘Oh Yes!’ as if I have a winning lottery ticket followed by full on air punching and then I turn into Churchill the nodding dog as I continue to think about it.
Merry Twistmas
Merry Twistmas

Beat the Food Price Hike
In truth pastry twists are a winning ticket in their own right as with rising food prices we all have to think smart this year to reduce our shopping bills and not pay the astronomical prices they put on party foods.  With this recipe you can afford to be the smug party host with a secret stash of goodies in the freezer instead of embracing trolley rage aisles of supermarkets foraging for flavourless snacks only to be charged a small fortune for them.   You need no special equipment, little and no baking know how.  This is a simple succesful recipe anyone can have a go at and at this time of year that’s all I want!

Quick, simple and adaptable
You can make these in less than 10 minutes with a nice cold glass of wine nibbling the ingredients as you go which is a necessary part of cooking.  You can also make these with the children in your life and create varieties that everyone will enjoy which makes them perfect for those who follow special diets and fussy eaters.  I have a whole batch of Santa’s Swizzlers (see top 10 below) in the freezer ready to bake in memory for Jo’s event as well as on the morning of December 25th to help fuel the family with enough energy for paper slaying like a real life game of fruit ninja (game app) but with less messy wrapping paper. 

Use it as a question on speed dating

Pastry twists stir up conversations about flavour combinations. Try it out – show this post to your friends and colleagues this, stand well back as you just have lit the conversation touch paper and watch the ideas explode.  Friends and I will randomly proclaim a flavour idea in mid flow of unrelated conversation and everyone will pause for a moment, visualise it and then nod enthusiastically (yes we should get out more!).  You can tell a lot about a person just by the types of flavours they suggest so perhaps the pastry twist flavour question should be used on dating sites or job interviews to detemine someone’s real personality. 
What’s your flavour?

What noise does a Goat Make?
Just for fun I thought I would make up names for the Top Ten Pastry Twists ideas (see below) and I was trying to think of name for one with goats cheese but I could not remember what noise a goat made?   I asked my Husband about this he laughed which made me laugh and then I was snorting with laughter. ‘No dear’ he said ‘that’s the noise a a pig makes!’ but he did tell me and that’s how the ‘Get meeeeeeh to the Greek’ pastry twist was born!

See below for flavour ideas I warn you it is addictive one you start thinking…

Basic Recipe

1 x ready to use pre-rolled puff pastry

1 x egg ( for brushing pastry)



2 x lined baking trays , rolling pin (optional) and a knife

How to make Pastry Twists

Yummyness made in less than 10 minutes

Cakeboule’s Top 10 Pastry Twist Ideas

Use up your Christmas left overs (and then bake them for new years eve parties)  – think Christmas pud & custard , turkey & stuffing, sausage & bacon with cheese or roast potatoes and sausage,  bubble & squeak etc ..

Be creative  – grab what is in your fridge and do a Jamie Oliver with it – go on whack it all in and create! 

Cheesecake inspired– whip 50g of cream cheese with 50g of icing sugar and spreas on.  Sprinkle broken digestives/grahams crackers, and add spoons of jam or fresh fruit and dust with icing sugar

Use an old favourite for inspiration – pizza flavours, subways, desserts you name it you can pastry twist it (even pickled eggs and ready salted crisps if that’s your thing!)

Make them as you cook  – as you cook meals on the run up to Christmas you can create a lot of flavours such as bolognaise, curry etc which can easily be used in twists.  Keep a small portion (approx 3- 4 tbsp)  to one side and then spread it inside as a filling.  No extra effort required!

On a stick– Insert a wooden skewer inside the twist before baking and you have a twist on a stick  – no messy hands! Or cut the twists in half and do mini ones on cocktail sticks (don’t get me started on things that go on sticks as I won’t calm down from the excitement for hours!)

Freeze & bag them – freeze them on a baking sheet and then once frozen bage them up ready for the party season or when you get unexpected guests or just fancy a snack.  Take them out of the freezer and leave at room temperature for 10 mins before baking.

Christmas morning
Christmas Morning (ready for paper slaying)

Cakeboules’ Top 10 Patry Twists

Santas Swizzler – mincemeat , chunks of chocolate and balls of marizipan dusted with cinnamon sugar – these are well tested and loved!

Passionate Peroni Pizza (shown left) – pizza sauce, pepperoni, mozzarella and sprinkled with mature cheddar and cracked black pepper

Bologs to it: bolognaise sauce sprinkled with parmesan

Turkish Temptress – Turkish delight, chocolate spread and chocolate chunks dusted with icing sugar

App for that:  raisins, brushed melted butter and apple sprinkled with cinnamon sugar

Choccywockydoodah Explosion – nutella, chunks of chocolate (any bars), crushed oreo biscuit,  marshmallows and dusted with coco powder and popping candy

Get meeeeeeh to the Greek – Goats cheese, spinach and pesto

Sweet Hot Bird: Sweet chilli sauce & strips of cooked chicken

Reece’s Peanutbutter Cups: Dulce du leche (caramel sauce), small spoonfuls of peanut butter, chunks of chocolate with pieces of honeycomb (or use crunchie if it’s Friday)

Homemade Jacuzzi: Baked beans, grated cheese & bacon

I could go on for days ….

Whatever you have wrap it lovingly in a pastry twist, freeze, bake, take the credit and enjoy a stress free holiday because you’re worth it.

Why not comment with your flavour ideas…

Melting moments and all that Jazz

 Melting Moments
Trio of Melting Moments
Image of Melting MOments

Trio of Moments

Have you ever have one of those weekends where you know you want to bake something but for the life of you, you can not decide what that is exactly? You leaf through foodie magazines or perhaps do a CSI style investigation of the baking underworld on the internet.  This is where you would find me that Saturday morning; wandering up and down the empty tumbleweed aisles of my baking mind and having a conversation with myself or at least I hope it was with myself?
Coffee Shop of Indecision
In my head I was in baking land stuck inside the coffee shop of indecision. Mrs Stollen was making my coffee mocha to go her flaked almond earrings dancing below her ears as she frothed the milk looking at me with her deep curranty fixed eyes. Her glaze broke as she turned her head to see what accompanied the drifting sound of click clacking heels. Opened mouthed we both see Miss Tart au Citron strutting past the window, she flicks back her golden Mary Berry limited edition lemony locks in what only can be described as a perfected ‘playing hard to get’ move. Sucking noises from across the room alert me to little Miss Sticky Toffee Cupcakes.   She is seductively licking her swizzle sugar stick with the flair of an adulteress that had not been let out in a while. The moment breaks as Mrs Stollen slams down my coffee mocha and I suddenly find myself back in my kitchen with coffee down my PJ’s and as I wipe it off I think to myself ‘Sod the lot of them’.
Mince Pies for Joanna Yeates Event

Join in today

Twitter Induced Hysteria
The morning was crazy; my mobile doing an anticipative jig on the worktop signalling email messages and twitter

updates as the online world had woken up and was in a good mood.  The internet seekers out there seemed to like my post about raising a mince pie in memory of Joanna Yeates.  I began praying the post would make it to 50 hits, then 100 and by 150 I was experiencing a cross between a hot flush and vibration white finger from excessive pressing of the F5 (refresh page) key. On a normal Saturday a fresh post might get 10 views so when this post hit over 200 in a few hours I was out of my comfort zone to say the least. ‘Hats off to the pro bloggers I think I would need extra strong hospital pants, super strength deoderant and vallium if I had to do that every weekend’ 
Full Cast LIne Up

Full Cast Line Up

All that Jazz
I was having a full on ‘oh my god I just don’t believe it!’ moment in true Victor Meldrew style when I realised that ‘moment’ was quite literally the baked good I was looking for.  It had to be the Melting Moment biscuit which I had first laid eyes on as I watched Mary-Anne Boerman bake them on the Great British Bake Off (week 4).  One look and I was captivated so much so a few months later they were still dancing in and out of my head doing a full cast encore and showing their frilly biscuit skirts. These little ladies with their patterned costumes and billowing fluttery buttercream must have been working that morning whilst I was in the coffee shop of indecision. Most likely they were on stage provocatively shimmying until their garters broke whilst crooning a rendition of ‘all that jazz’. If these biscuits could talk they would say ‘Start the car I know a whoopee spot’.

Pout for me ladies

Better Than Tap Dancing Rouged Knee Ladies with PMT
With the baking target now locked firmly in sight despite being in the midst of twitter induced hysteria a sense of calmness finally flooded over me as I started to create the full cast ensemble of melting moments.   Once piped on the tray these little lovelies only take 15 mins to cook and are far less hassle than a stage full of tap dancing rouged knee ladies with PMT.  These speedy biscuits don’t waste lots of precious weekend moments to make.  Even though they did not take long to complete by the time I had got around to photographing them my poor family had to wait until Sunday evening until they were allowed to eat them but you don’t have to be so mean!  These biscuits are truly seductive and in true Chicago style their taste plays fast and loose on your taste buds so love these melting moments and all that baking jazz!
Enjoy x
Stacking Trio of biscuits

I still can't see the whoopee spot? Lift me higher...

Makes approx 16
Cooks in 15 mins
Prep 45 mins

Ingredients (recipe taken from Good Food Online)

350g unsalted butter (room temperature)
80g Icing sugar
300g plain flour
50g Cornflour
25g Cocoa powder
1 tsp vanilla extract

White and Milk Chocolate Buttercream Filling
125g Butter
170g Icing sugar
60g of milk chocolate
60g of white chocolate

Melting Monments

View from the VIP Box

Heat the oven to 180C / Gas 4 / Fan 150c
  1. Grease and line two baking trays
  2. Beat together butter and icing sugar for the biscuits for 5 minutes until creamy using a stand or hand mixer
  3. Sieve the flour and cornflour over the mixture and mix until all is combined using the mixer
  4. Divide the mixture in half and place in two bowls
  5. To one bowl add the vanilla extract and to the other add the cocoa powder – mix both well until fully combined

Making the Vanilla Melting Moments

Piped Melting Moments

Before make up

  1. Stand a piping bag with a 1cm star nozzle (approx) in a pint or tall glass so that the nozzle is at the bottom of the glass.  Fold the bag over the top of the glass to make it easier to fill in the bag with mixture.
  2. Take half of the mixture (start with vanilla or chocolate ) and place into a piping bag
  3. Pipe the biscuits to the size of a walnut and leave space in-between for the mixture to spread whilst baking .
  4. Place in the fridge for at least 5-10 minutes as this helps to keep the pattern on the biscuits

Making the Chocolate and Vanilla Melting Moments
I do it in this order as it requires less washing of the piping bag as I don’t have two.

  1. Divide the chocolate mixture in half
  2. Take a tablespoon of the remaining vanilla mixture and place into the piping bag (keep it roughly to one side of the bag)
  3. Now do the same with a tablespoon of the chocolate mixture putting it next to the vanilla mixture as the two need to mix together when they are piped as this is what will give the biscuits a two-tone effect
  4. Repeat this with more alternating quarter spoonfuls of mixture in equal measurements until you have no vanilla left and half of the chocolate mixture remains untouched ready for the batch of chocolate biscuits.
  5. Pipe the biscuits starting with any space left on the vanilla tray and leave space in between for the mixture to spread whilst baking – place in the fridge while you do the chocolate mixture
  6. The cocoa in these will keep the biscuits pattern more easily and don’t need refrigeration for as long (unless its warm)
  7. Wash the bag out now ready to pipe the remaining chocolate biscuits.

Making the Chocolate Melting Moments

Chocolate Melting Moments

Stop pulling my hair!

  1. Repeat the same instructions as the vanilla biscuits using the remaining chocolate mixture

Place the vanilla tray in the oven for approx 12 – 15 minutes depending on your oven.  If you are neurotic like me you will check at 11 minutes.  They are ready when they are a very light brown colour.  For the chocolate tray –  do this tray last as then you know exactly how long it took the first batch (vanilla) to turn a very light brown, take note of the time needed for this batch (adjust if needed)  and remove from the oven.  Leave on the tray for aprox 10 minutes to harden and then transfer to cool on a wire rack.


  1. Beat together the butter and icing sugar (causing a tornado of icing sugar in the air so stick your tongue out) until fluffy (About 5 minutes)
  2. Divide the mixture equally into two bowls
  3. Melt the white chocolate and add to one mixture and mix well until combined and it is consistent in colour
  4. Do the same with the milk chocolate and add to the remaining half buttercream
  5. Leave to cool for ten minutes before piping

White Chocolate Buttercream

  1. This uses the technique as the biscuit mixture so you will need to use half of the white chocolate buttercream first
  2. Place into a piping bag with a 1cm star nozzle
  3. Pipe a swirl on the vanilla biscuits and then find a matching equally sized biscuit and sandwich together

White and Milk Chocolate Buttercream

  1. Use half of the chocolate mixture and the remaining white chocolate
  2. Alternate dessert spoons of  white chocolate mixture with chocolate mixture in the piping bag (like you did with the biscuits)
  3. Repeat until you have used all of the white chocolate buttercream and still have half the milk chocolate mixture untouched ready for the batch of chocolate biscuits.
  4. Pipe a swirl of buttercream to the vanilla and chocolate biscuits and then find a matching equally sized biscuit and sandwich together
  5. Wash the bag out now ready to pipe the remaining chocolate buttercream.

Milk Chocolate

  1. Pipe the remaining chocolate onto the chocolate biscuits and sandwich them together
  2. Slick your hair and wear your buckle shoes and eat one of these whilst doing jazz hands with the other.

    Slick your hair, wear your buckle shoes and all that jazz